Chi Alpha both regionally and nationally provides funds, resources, and training for campus ministry. Your help is valuable! XA missionaries and ministries partner with us in several ways.
Regional funds — Pacific NW Chi Alpha is a nonprofit organization which supports the outreach efforts of our ministries through various funds. You can see the list of designations below. Gifts are tax-deductible.
Non-credentialed staff — Staff who haven't yet obtained AG credentials can choose to direct a half-tithe to PNWXA, depending on local policy. (Credentialed staff should direct this half-tithe to their Network office.)
Giving options —
Mail a personal check, or send a payment using your bank's website. Make out the check to 'Pacific NW Chi Alpha', memo 'fund name', using a designation listed below. Please mail to:
100 – General ministry giving
200 – XA Development
300 – Sponsorships
302 - SALT Scholarship
400 – Staff Sustainability
501 – DonorHub service
Chi Alpha half-tithe — 5% of missionary income is directed to the National Ministry Center. If you have a US Missions account this is done automatically. However, if you are district appointed (paid locally), you will need to set up a giving account.
Chi Alpha group giving — Groups direct a portion of funds to the National Ministry Center. There are several ways to determine this, listed in the Charter & Affiliation statement. In general: