Financial Support

Chi Alpha both regionally and nationally provides funds, resources, and training for campus ministry. Your help is valuable! XA missionaries and ministries partner with us in several ways.


  To Pacific NW Chi Alpha

Regional funds — Pacific NW Chi Alpha is a nonprofit organization which supports the outreach efforts of our ministries through various funds. You can see the list of designations below. Gifts are tax-deductible.

Non-credentialed staff — Staff who haven't yet obtained AG credentials can choose to direct a half-tithe to PNWXA, depending on local policy. (Credentialed staff should direct this half-tithe to their Network office.)

Giving options

Give via mail

Mail a personal check, or send a payment using your bank's website. Make out the check to 'Pacific NW Chi Alpha',  memo 'fund name',  using a designation listed below. Please mail to: 

Pacific NW Chi Alpha
209 E 17th Ave
Ellensburg WA 98926
100 – General ministry giving
200 – XA Development
300 – Sponsorships
302 - SALT Scholarship
400 – Staff Sustainability
501 – DonorHub service


Give online

Or make an online gift to Pacific NW Chi Alpha. Give through a bank account (ACH) or a credit card. You can set up recurring gifts, make changes as needed, and track giving history.


  To National Chi Alpha

Chi Alpha half-tithe — 5% of missionary income is directed to the National Ministry Center. If you have a US Missions account this is done automatically. However, if you are district appointed (paid locally), you will need to set up a giving account.

Chi Alpha group giving — Groups direct a portion of funds to the National Ministry Center. There are several ways to determine this, listed in the Charter & Affiliation statement. In general:

a.  5% of non-designated group offerings and funds; or
b.  approximately $10 per student per year.

National XA Giving Page

A charitable giving statement for eligible individual donations will be sent at the end of the year. Pacific Northwest Chi Alpha exercises full administrative control over funds received. Thank you for serving the mission of Jesus!

